Are you ready to accept Purium’s A1C 90-Day Challenge?!
Submit by clicking here: or keep reading for more information.
What is Purium’s A1C 90-Day Challenge?
This is a challenge to prove that you are in control of your health and your future. When you adopt a Purium lifestyle, eating small healthy meals and flex foods throughout the day along with Purium superfoods, you could maintain optimal blood glucose levels, even when faced with blood glucose challenges. But as they say, sometimes we need to prove it to ourselves. And so Purum is putting our money where our mission is, as we are offering a 100% money back guarantee if the Purium lifestyle fails to aid, assist and support your body in achieving the blood glucose stability you desire, after 90 days.
What is an A1c? And how can it be used to determine somebody’s glucose health and stability?
A1C is a simple blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past three months and can be used to diagnose and manage diabetes and pre-diabetes.
An acceptable A1C level is below 5.7%. Between 5.7% and 6.4% is considered prediabetes and the closer you are to 6.4% the closer you are to being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
The goal of Diabetes Awareness Month is to raise awareness that diabetes affects 37.3 million, or 1 in 10 Americans, and is the leading cause of associated diseases including:
- #1 cause of Blindness – According to the CDC, diabetic retinopathy (blindness caused by damage to the eye’s blood vessels by high blood sugar levels) is the #1 cause of blindness in working age Americans. (source)
- Top 2 Cause of Renal failure – According to the National Kidney Foundation, high blood pressure and diabetes are the top causes for renal failure. This is known to happen due to kidney and liver failure. This can occur when your kidneys are no longer able to function normally and have a slowed response in removing waste from your blood. (source)
- Top 5 Cause of Impotence – Did you know that endocrine diseases can cause impotence? In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that impotence is common in those with type-two diabetes due to imbalanced blood flow and hormone levels. (source)
- #8 Cause of Premature Death – The World Health Organization reports that 2 million people died of diabetes and kidney disease caused by diabetes in 2019. (source)
We believe that the A1C is the perfect barometer for you to determine whether you are on a healthy path. It is highly known and taught that type-two diabetes can be dramatically impacted by one’s lifestyle. And one’s lifestyle primarily has to do with how we eat, how we sleep, and how much we exercise.
That’s where we come in! The Purium Lifestyle can assist and support the body in its efforts at glucose control. And our select products can contribute to the type of diet and lifestyle that is most often recommended. Controlling one’s blood glucose is, as they say, a full-time job as it’s necessary to nourish your body on a semi-hourly basis (meaning every two hours).
With Purium’s incredible whole food and herbal supplements and our lifestyle recommendations, we are confident that you can achieve the results that you desire. And together, because we always say we are #bettertogether, we can address this serious issue that is affecting so many Americans in the way that doctors and medical professionals recommend.
So what exactly do medical professionals recommend? Let’s dive in!
A UCLA study on type-two diabetes showed that a well-balanced diet could affect A-1C levels. This diet consists of:
- five servings of complex carbohydrates per day
- four servings of vegetables
- three servings of fruit
- two servings of protein
- being active for one hour per day
- getting sufficient sleep and remaining hydrated
In fact, this routine showed a 100% success rate in dramatically lowering Peoples A-1 C in only a matter of weeks during this study.
The American Diabetes Association recommends eating according to the Plate Method. This adheres to a balance of veggies, proteins, and carbs. See this graphic below. (source)
The Mayo Clinic echoes this recommendation, advising a healthy carb diet, including fiber-rich foods and “good” fats.
Does any of this sound familiar? Well, it should! The Purium Lifestyle checks off these recommendations with healthy, convenient superfoods that contribute to a diabetic-friendly lifestyle, including our delicious vegan protein shakes, like (list flavors), our Control pre-meal capsules, WHite American Ginseng, and of course, Biome Medic for improved digestion.
Our Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation Pack is the best way to kick off these 90 days and achieve your A1C goals. Days 31-90 can be a combination of our Fruit and Veggie Plus Pack and any of the other supportive products like our protein shakes that we recommend to help you accomplish our every two hour rhythm, which is so critical to your success.
By using approved Flex foods to quench your cravings, our approved shopper’s guide to assist you in the grocery aisle and even healthy recipes recommended by your Purium community, you will be able to navigate these 90 days with ease. Portion control is so easy when you eat every two hours and food insecurity is a thing of the past. Having a lunch bag, an ice chest, and a water bottle are critical to your success. Don’t leave home without them.
Are you ready to put your body and these amazing tools to the test and accept Purium’s A1-C 90-Day Challenge and earn LOTS OF bonus points in the process?
Product Recommendations
To recap, here are some possible Product Recommendations:
- Days 1 – 30: Start with the ULT
- Days 31-90: You can live a Purium lifestyle with the combination of the Fruit and Veggie Plus pack and other supportive products, such as Purium proteins
- Control Pre-Meal Capsules
- White American Ginseng
- Biome Medic
Use this sample schedule based on a 12 hour window.
Upon waking and then every two hours:
- Power Shake
- Breakfast
- Super Amino 23 plus Flex Food or protein drink
- Lunch
- Power Shake
- Super Amino 23 and a Flex Food
- Final meal
- Apothe-Cherry with Daily Fiber optional
Times of Consumption: 8 am-10 am-12 pm-2pm -4 pm – 6-8 pm
Alternate Schedule:
This schedule focuses on 8 beats, every 2 hours
- Purium Products (Power Shake, Green Spectrum, protein shakes)
- Small meal
- Flex food
- Purium Products
- Small meal
- Flex food
- Purium Control caps
- small meal
- Apothe-cherry
Other Recommendations for how to incorporate Purium
- Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation
- Fruit & Veggie + Pack
- Control
- LOV Super Meal
- White American Ginseng
- Protein powders
Steps to Take to Participate
- Declare your intention to join the A1-C Challenge by filling out this form:
- Be sure to measure your A1-C and take your “Before” picture.
- Review our product recommendations and select the perfect ones for you.
- Purchase the products and create a Monthly Subscription to ensure your progress for the next 90 days.
- At the end, take your A1-C number again!
We guarantee you will see a lowered A1-C or your money pack. Contact our team should your results not be positive and our team will issue the refund.*
*Please be sure to keep your product packaging as you will need to mail this back to complete any refund.
Have any more questions? Direct them here: