Never Too Late For Heart Health


You might think that after years of ignoring your health and being a bonafide couch-potato, that it’s impossible to change cardiovascular health, but guess what? You’re wrong!

Here at Purium, we know it’s never too late for healthy living (haven’t you seen posts with the #ItStartswith10Days tag?!) That’s why a recent heart study makes us so happy. According to a study published by The American Heart Association, middle-aged folks have about 20-years to improve their heart health after the results and accumulated impact of a mostly-sedentary lifestyle.

The study found it takes about two years of exercising four to five days a week for improved results. And just what are those results? Heart health has many factors, one of these being blood vessel health. The study also showed that exercise can lead to improved elasticity in blood vessels for middle aged folks, which leads to a lower risk of heart disease!


But there’s a little bit of a catch. The researchers of the study found that vessel plasticity declines as you age, meaning you’re potentially losing time the more you wait. Co-author Dr. Benjamin Levine to Healthline projects that the age range is 45 to 64-years-old. The findings reported that after 65 years of age exercise won’t be able to make any changes to blood vessel elasticity. It’s not all sad news though, because exercise at that age can still have other cardiovascular benefits.

Study Methods

The study analyzed the hearts of 53 adults, aged 45 to 64, as they completed exercise programs throughout two years. The group was split into groups depending on if they had a history of exercising regularly or not. Those who did not were given progressively aerobic routines, while the others were given yoga, balance and weight training.

The group that had performed aerobic exercise found that they had an 18% improvement in maximum oxygen intake and 25% increase in blood vessel plasticity, which means a reduction in heart disease risk.

Maintaining Heart Health for Life

As you can see, your heart depends on other parts of your body and processes to function healthily in the long-run. There are different factors such as bloodstream, vessels and even gut health.

We thought about these factors when we developed our NEW Heart Health Pack. While including major heart supporting products like Heart Aid, the pack also includes products to help balance oxygen levels and blood lipid levels (which still affects your heart). Green Spectrum helps balance pH levels and Super Xanthin helps regulate lipid oxidation in your blood. Biome Medic keeps your heart healthy by keeping your gut healthy: ridding the body of harmful bacteria and encouraging good gut bacteria to flourish.

Keep your heart happy!


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