Rice bran is a staple ingredient in many of your Purium favorites, including Power Shake and MVP Sport. We even offer our own stabilized rice bran powder, Rice Bran Solubles. But how much do you really know about them?
Today, we’re covering why we love rice bran so much. Plus, we’re sharing awesome recipes that spotlight the little known food.
Benefits of Rice Bran
Rice bran is a nutrient-rich part of rice, but with brown rice, it’s usually cooked away. And, it gets shaved off the grain for white rice! It’s a little crazy that it was neglected for so long. Thankfully, those times have changed.
In some circles (like trendy coffee shops or nutrition-based communities), nutritionists and baristas refer to this bran as tocos. Why the name? Well, yes it does sound a little cooler, but the name is based on its biological and natural makeup. These soluble brans naturally contain tocotrienol, which is an antioxidant.
Here are some reasons we love rice bran. Recipes follow after.
It’s a natural source of Vitamin-E.
Because of tocotrienol, rice bran is a a natural source vitamin E. As you might know, this vitamin is important in both the beauty and health world.
Vitamin E helps protect your skin cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress. These cells wreck havoc on cells, damaging skin. The nutrient helps protect skin from redness with its anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it is thought to help skin respond to UV damage from the sun.
Many holistic nutritionists also point to vitamin E as a source of support for healthy hair, promoting a healthy scalp. In fact, one study found promising results when daily oral consumption helped boosted hair growth, compared to a placebo (1).
Fighting free radicals boasts health benefits too. Oxidative stress can weaken your cells, thereby weakening your immune system and making it easier for allergies or colds flare up.
What’s more, free radicals are constantly linked to cardiovascular disease (2). So, keeping them at bay with vitamin E may help prevent future issues.
It provides dietary fiber (for healthy weight & heart).
But rice bran also boasts other great nutrients as well. Live Strong reports that the bran contains rich source of soluble fiber, which can help promote healthy weight. Some researchers suggest that soluble fiber can help:
- Encourage satiation after eating (making you feel full for longer)
- Feed gut flora and strengthen microbiome health
- Boost metabolism
We recommend pairing dietary fiber supplements with a more plant-based diet for optimal results.
Heart Health & Cholesterol
Rice bran’s free radical-fighting and dietary fiber nature make it a great support for heart health, too. The American Heart Association reports that dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Why? Because it related back to blood flow and cholesterol levels. Live Strong reports that phytonutrients like ferulic acid and rice oil could help improve lipid profile, reducing the harmful LDL cholesterol, but increasing the “good” kind (high density).
Rice bran may also be help encourage healthy blood glucose levels as well. One recent study showed promise in a double blind, placebo-controlled study (3).
It naturally supplies CoQ10.
So, what’s another great nutrient rice bran provides? CoQ10!
Don’t scratch your head, it’s not as weird as it sounds. It’s way more natural than it sounds too. Our body actually produces this compound, but the amounts decrease as we age, according to Oregon State University.
Of great interest, this antioxidant is said to help improve heart health, especially after the side effects of statin drugs. Statins are medications prescribed for those with heart issues. One particular study showed promise in helping patients deal with the associated issues, but more research is needed to confirm the finding (4).
Just like tocotrienol, CoQ10 is thought to help the body respond healthy to free radicals. So, rice bran is a total oxidative stress-fighting power-house!
It’s allergen-friendly.
Finally, rice bran solubles are lactose-free, gluten-free and hypoallergenic. This makes it the perfect sweet substitute for those who want a little treat, but have dietary restrictions.
Rice Bran Soluble Recipes
Okay, now you know why you should stock up on rice bran. But here is what you can do when you get the bran in your kitchen.
Purium Style Peanut Butter-Chocolate Smoothie
Oh yes, you read that right. Who doesn’t love chocolate? Skip the ice cream shop and coffee fraps today, because we have the perfect recipe for an energizing, dessert-like shake using Purium products.
What You Need:
- Kids MVP (3-5 scoops) to 2 scoops)
- Rice Bran Solubles (1 tbsp)
- Almond milk
- 8 oz. cup or standard shaker bottle
*Hey, where’s the peanut butter? No worries, our Rice Bran Solubles supply a nut buttery taste.
- Mix ingredients in a shaker bottle or blend until smooth.
- Enjoy!
Protein Bites
Looking for a treat you can munch on? We hear you! The folks at Chalkboard Magazine created a delicous and simple recipe for creamy vanilla protein bites. Throw some cinnamon and poppy seeds on top, and call it a day.
Find the recipe here.
For a quick fix, you can just mix the solubles with any nut milk or through into your Green Spectrum as a plant-powered pick-me-up.
Looking For More?
Check out iShopPurium.com.
While rice bran may be a far cry from our typical exotic choices, do not allow its commonplace name to deter you from taking an interest in its health-promoting qualities. And unlike other super-powders like dried wheatgrass, this stuff is good enough to eat straight out of the jar.