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Category: Outdoors
5 Tips for the Perfect Summer Hike
Every year, hiking seems to grow in popularity, especially during the warmer seasons. It's that time of year w…
Food for Thought: Netherlands + Sustainable Farming
It's hard to live a healthy life sometimes. For a lot of us, there's not a lot of healthy (or affordable) opti…
The Benefits of Unplugging
It's easy to get caught in the grips of everyday life. Daily activities pile up: wake up, get ready, work, run…
Is your water glass half empty or full?
Who doesn't love a glass of cold, crisp water? Or maybe you prefer it room temp. It's just one of the many gif…
Ionic Elements Boosts Electrolytes
Every day we lose tons of electrolytes. You might have heard the word thrown around in a commercial for your f…
Parasites, Not Just A Global Issue
Recently, a North Korean defector underwent surgery in South Korea and what doctors found in his body was bone…
Stay Protected this Flu Season
It’s that time of year again when one person coughs at your workplace and everyone glares with fear. Cue the J…
Flex Snack: Protein Bites
Protein-packed snacks are always good to have on hand whether you are a busy, on-the-go person, a parent with …
Flex Meal: Summer Fruit Salad
Keeping cool this summer can be hard, but with a delicious cold salad recipe, you'll be prepared for whatever …
Working Out in the Heat
Feeling motivated to workout in the summer can be difficult. It's hot, you're exhausted, and if you're being h…
Everyday Parasites
Parasite is a scary word and everyone would like to think that they would never come in contact with any form …
How to Keep Kids Active During Summer
School will be out in no time and some kids may just want to sit in front of a screen and relax after a long s…