Category: Nutrition
3 Health Fitness Goals That Don’t Involve the Scale
A lot of times when people start a new fitness commitment, they do it because they want to look better.
Revitalize & Rejuvenate With a Deep Spring Clean
It's time for some good ol' spring cleaning! Don't worry, you can leave the mop behind (for now). We're talkin…
Heart-Healthy Tips For Kids
Heart health is just as important for kids as it is to adults. In fact, the Texas Heart Institute reports that…
Heart Health 101: Risks, Preventative Tips and More
Purium is ALL about the heart - figuratively and literally. Which is why we love February, the American Heart …
New Year, Improved You: Mentally Transforming in 2019
It's January 7 and if you close your eyes and listen closely, you can hear the sound of countless 2019 New Yea…
Health Hacks: Your Guide to Better Daily Nutrition
It’s finally here. The clock is going to strike midnight and we will soon be held accountable for all those re…
This Holiday Season, Swap Out Cranberries for Apothe-Cherry
With the holiday season in full swing, you’re running out of time to gather your ingredients and order those …
4 Reasons to Cleanse that Don’t Include Weight Loss
When you hear the word "cleanse," most likely, you'll think of it as a way to lose weight. But losing weight i…
Transforming Pre or Post-Holiday? Here’s Why You Should Know
The holidays are here and the last thing on your mind is health, right? We're just being honest. But, should w…
How to Share the Gift of Health
We've taken this month to think about National Women's Month. Inspired by all types of women - mothers, busine…
Whole Foods for That “Time of the Month”
Gorging on carbs and knocking back pints of ice cream, periods don't have the best food associations. You can …
Teaching Your Daughter Healthy Habits
In honor of Women's Health Month, we're thinking about the legacy of women, especially in terms of what mother…