Munchie Makeover: Halloween Treats


Halloween is a tricky time of year, in more ways than one.

If you are an advocate of good health, the idea of passing out candy just doesn’t seem right. And, while you might not normally treat your children to candy and large amounts of sugar, it can be difficult to prevent those little fingers from getting it.

As for other people’s kids coming to your door, don’t feel like you need to stay with the norm. Local honey sticks, stickers, apple cider packets, toothbrushes, notepads, or oranges can be guilt-free treats that are sure to please!

Even though this is the season for fear and fright, don’t be afraid to take a stand and talk to your kids about the facts and effects of artificial dyes and sweeteners, preservatives and GMOs. Have you read the labels of their favorite treats with them? Do they know the terrifying truth of what these unnatural products can do to the human body? That reality is a scary movie just waiting to happen!

Truthfully, some kids might not care about the facts, as they have already been hooked on their junk snack of choice. In this case, you’ll just have to trick them with alternative treats that appeal to their taste buds.

The options are endless, when it comes to creative ways to make healthy food Halloweeny. Here are two of our favorites!

Banana Almond Butter Bites Covered in Chocolate


2 large ripe bananas
1/8 cup almond butter
1/8 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup Coconut oil
1 1/4 cup Kid’s MVP Chocolate
Coconut Flakes


Slice the peeled bananas into quarter-inch pieces. In a small dish, mix applesauce with almond butter. Spread the mix on a banana slice and top it with another banana slice, making it a sandwich. Place mini sandwiches on a parchment paper covered baking sheet and freeze for at least 30 minutes. While they freeze, heat the coconut on the stove and stir in the Kid’s MVP until the consistency is smooth. Remove sandwiches from the freezer (with an oven mitt), pour chocolate on top and sprinkle coconut flakes on top. Place back in freezer for 15 minutes.

Sweet Potato Jack O’Lanterns



1 large organic sweet potato (sliced thinly)
3 tbsp. Tropic Oil (coconut oil)
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. organic onion powder
1 tsp. smoked paprika
(or for a sweet snack, use cinnamon and a light glaze of honey instead of onion powder and paprika)

Preheat oven to 350. Carve out Jack O’Lantern faces (lots of great design ideas online!). Toss pieces with coconut oil and space out on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with seasonings of choice. Bake for 25 minutes (flipping halfway) or until crispy.




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